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It's not because of a eating habit. It's because you might chock on the food.

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Q: Why is the chewing of food before swallowing considered a good eating habit?
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Is swallowing and eating the same thing?

No. Swallowing is a voluntary action that forces solids or liquids, with or without nutritional value, down the oesophagus into the stomach. Eating includes mastication (chewing), and swallowing.

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Assuming you are eating, the act or chewing is mastication and swallowing is peristalsis. Vomiting is reverse peristalsis.

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Biting, chewing & swallowing are somatic, the rest of digestion is autonomic.

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It all depends on how much and what kind of food it is eating.

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Eating biscuit without chewing well does not have any effect because the saliva will melt it.

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