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Constellations are visible from various points on Earth throughout the year depending on where they are with reference to the night side of the Earth. The night side is the side which faces away from the sun, so as the Earth orbits, the direction of the sun from the Earth with reference to other stars, and consequently the night side of the Earth with reference to other stars, cycles yearly.

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Q: Why is the constellation Leo visible in the east on a July evening?
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Why is the constellation Leo visible in the east on a January evening but in the west on a July evening?

the constellation leo is visible because in jan. the morning star comes out before sunrise .and in july because after sun down the evening star comes up .

The constellation Leo is visiable in the east on a January evening but in the west on a July evening Explain why?

The earth revolves around the sun and so in the summer Leo appears to be in the west and in winter it seems to be in the east

Does the constellation Orion disappear in wintertime?

No. In fact, Orion is easily visible in the winter evenings, low in the east.

When will the constellation of Orion be visible from south east England again?

Late Fall, Winter, early Spring

Why is the constellation Leo visible in the east?

The earth rotates in a clock wise screw movement for the eastern sky to be visible from earth.All constellations on the zodiac belt will appear in the eastern sky only.

What direction is Orion the constellation face Idaho?

You should be able to see Orion towards the East early in the evening, progressing south as the night goes on.

What time of year can you see the pegasus constellation?

The Pegasus constellation can be seen in the night sky during the fall and winter months in the northern hemisphere. It is generally visible from September to February.

Why can't you see the constellation Gemini during the summer?

The earth is on the east side of the sun (summer) and when that is so, the constellation Gemini is on the west side of the sun. The sun is blocking the view of the constellation Gemini.

What is the Pisces constellation?

Pisces is a constellation of the Zodiac. Its name is the LatinPluralfor Fish, and its symbol is File:Pisces.svg(Unicode ♓). It lies between Aquarius_(constellation) to the west and Aries_(constellation) to the east. The Eclipticand the Celestial_equatorintersect within this constellation and in Virgo_(constellation).

When is Leo visible to the US?

In late Fall, Winter and early Spring - these are the best times to see it. But it's also visible WAY in the west during early summer eveings and WAY in the East during Autumn mornings. Remember, month by month, our Sun blocks out a particular zodiacal constellation, as it moves continuously EAST through the zodiac.

What constellation's are near Libra?

Here are seven constellations that border Libra:Serpens CaputVirgoHydraCentaurus (corner)LupusScorpiusOphiuchus

How high in the sky is the constellation Taurus?

It depends on the time of year and the time of night. As the earth turns, the constellations appear to move from east to west. When a constellation has reached a point above you, it begins to descend. [At night, I use the constellation of Orion to estimate the time.] It also depends on where you live. The Southern Cross is not visible in the Northern Hemisphere, which is why it is called the Southern Cross. There may be web sites that can give you the exact position of any constellation at any given time depending on your location. I suggest you look for them using the keyword "astronomy." This contributor is familiar with Taurus as a house in the Zodiac, but not as a constellation.