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Because they soon will run out and they are not renewable source of energy.

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Q: Why is the dependence on fossil fuels unsustainable?
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What is unsustainable technology?

An unsustainable technology is one which uses non-renewable resources. An example of an unsustainable technology is the internal combustion engine, which relies on non-renewable fossil fuels.

Why should you not use fossil fuels too quickly?

Its unsustainable they are non renewable therefore are running out and pollute the atmosphere.

Why do experts describe the rate of fossil fuels as unsustainable?

because we are so dependent on it that once it run out our country will suffer from it.

How would you change US country dependence on fossil fuels?

you really think i know??

How can dependence on fossil fuels destruct of the environment?

erm my scientist will figure it out in a day or500

Why do most experts descirbe the rate of a fossil fuel use as unsustainable?

There is some debate as to whether short-term, we can continue to use fossil fuels at the same rate. We are finding new sources of fossil fuels, and these help replace the fossil fuels that we consume. Longer term, the earth's resources are limited and as we consume our fossil fuels, we will not be able to find new fossil fuels to replace them. See attached link on peak oil.

Can people decrease dependence on fossil fuels?

Wind power, Wind Power, WIND POWER!

How might a dependence on fossil fuels lead to international security risks?

d. All of the above

Why does us need to find alternative energy sources?

Dependence on fossil fuels causes environmental damage.

Why does the US need to find alternative energy sources?

Dependence on fossil fuels causes environmental damage.

How does hydro power best break your dependence on oil and fossil fuels?

Hydro power is clean, green and renewable, with no carbon dioxide emissions. Moving to hydro and other renewable energies means we can break our dependence on fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) for ever.

How can you reduce dependence on fossil fuels?

Heat with wood to reduce your dependence on fossil fuels. Turn your lawn into an organic garden. Telecommute. Buy an electric car and renewable energy to reduce your dependence on fossil fuels.