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Its unsustainable they are non renewable therefore are running out and pollute the atmosphere.

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Q: Why should you not use fossil fuels too quickly?
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Are all fossil fuels non-renewable?

No. All fossil fuels are non-renewable resources. However, non-renewable resources include more than just fossil fuels. Many minerals are non-renewable including metal minerals (i.e. iron, copper, zinc, lead, gold, silver) and minerals used in agriculture (i.e. potassium, phosphate, sulfur). Products made from gold and silver are often made from recycled gold and silver, but the world supply of these metals is limited.

What are the benefits to using fossil fuels over alternatives?

One of the biggest benefits of fossil fuels is their cost. Coal, oil and natural gas are abundant right now and relatively inexpensive to drill or mine for. In fact, coal is the most plentiful fossil fuel and it is found over much of the world. Because the costs are contained, electricity and fuels for transportation and heating are available to everyone.

What is the less important sources of energy?

It really depends what is considered "important". Less important "economically" currently are the the renewable, sustainable sources like wind and solar power as they represent a small fraction of the energy produced compared to the non-renewable and depleting fossil fuels like oil, coal and gas. However for the health of our planet and possibly for our survival, fossil fuels are not only less important but they are a dangerous hazard as they are responsible very bad problems with our environment like global warming. And of course as they become severely depleted in the future fossil fuels will become less important economically too.

What is the source of energy stored in fossil fuels?

The sun. Fossil fuels are made up of plants and animals that lived in the past and have been converted to fossil fuels by geological processes over time. And as plants convert the suns energy into sugars, fossil fuels are stored solar energy.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The energy comes from the energy that was previously in dead plants/animals... to understand better read about the carboniferous period. It explains how fossil fuels were created, through the compression of decaying plant material that had lots of locked up carbon underneath layers of sediments.

What is the original source of the energy that is stored in fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are deacyed plant matter from millions of years ago. The source of energy in the fuel is the carbon. When plants grow they use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and they separate the carbon from the oxygen by photosynthesis, which uses the Sun's energy directly because separating the atoms of carbon and oxygen requires energy. The carbon is used to make plant tissues while the oxygen is mostly emitted as a waste product. But when the fuel is burned, the carbon is recombined with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, and the formation of the chemical bonds beween the atoms releases energy as heat. This energy is the energy that was originally absorbed from the Sun all those millions of years ago. So the Sun is the original source of energy for fossil fuels, but the energy was taken 50-100 million years ago and the amount being burned now produces too much CO2 for the Earth to deal with properly.

Related questions

What is caused by burning too much fossil fuels?

Air pollution is caused by burning too much fossil fuels.

How do you manage our use of fossil fuels?

First when you find fossil fuels they can either be bad or kinda bad, and also when we have too many fossil fuels they can harm our environment.

Why do you still use fossil fuels if there are renewable alternatives available?

The reason why we still use fossil fuels is because the alternatives are too expensive and people are unable to afford it as well as the fossil fuels are easy to get to so business can gain access and sell on. In the future hopefully we can use the alternatives but for now it has to be fossil fuels.

How do particles get into the atmosphere?

From burning fossil fuels. Decay and respiration too.

Why are natural resources fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are considered to be an exhaustible resource because they are available in only limited quantities. Fossil Fuels take thousands, if not millions, of years to replenish and people are using them up too fast so they can not renew.

How does how fossil fuels produce electricity or fuel?

Fossil fuels produce electricity when they are burned to make steam or smoke which turns generators to make electricity. But we must be careful that we are not burning too much fossil fuels so that we will run out one day. :)

What are the benefits and limitations of fossil fuels?

Benefits: Mostly everything we use in the world needs fossil fuels. Gasoline for cars, energy for light, etc. The world has used it for many years and is still using it.Limitations: Fossil fuels will run out eventually, so if we do not start using renewable energy we could be in BIG trouble! Fossil fuels also harm the planet. It adds too much carbon dioxide to the ozone. Fossil fuels also harm the plants and animals in the planet too.

How do carbon particles get into the atmosphere?

From burning fossil fuels. Decay and respiration too.

How much of Ontario energy is generated from fossil fuels?

I need it for my project too.

What is wrong with fossil fuels?

Fossil fuel is so much a part of our life that it is hard to call it "wrong" but there should not be wasteful usage of these fuels. The primary fossil fuels are oil, gas and coal.The earth contains a limited quantity of these fuels. Many of the deposits of these fuels we will never be able to tap because they are too remote, small or expensive to recover. Offshore deposits of oil may lie in water too deep to make commercial discoveries.As we use fossil fuels, we are forced to explore more remote parts of the world to find more fossil fuels. As a result the cost of fossil fuels increases.We obtain energy from fossil fuels by burning them, and the products from combustion can contaminate the air. There is a greenhouse effect from this combustion which contributes to global warming. Combustion of gasoline in our cars releases a number of pollutants that can be harmful to our health, particularly in cities. In addition, acid rain can harm our forests.I have included 3 related links, but you can find much more information on the internet on future challenges of fossil fuel use.

Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources.?

Yes since although they are renewed it takes too long

What problems could there be if you rely too much on fossil fuels for energy?

The main problem with fossil fuels is that there is a limited amount of them. At some point we are going to run out. Now this isn't going to happen anytime soon but at some point we will run out of fossil fuels. The other problem of course is that burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide which is building up in the atmosphere causing global warming and climate change.