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He is a 2 year old Crested Gecko, and he has recently shedded his skin. He hasn't had any major problems, excluding this (If this is major). Please help me!

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Q: Why is the end of my gecko's tail shriveling up?
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What is one fact about geckos?

if you lift it up by the tail it falls of and once it grows back the pattern is slightly different.

Why are geckos tails fat?

Leopard geckos have fat tails because in the wild they may not eat for days and days. Whenever you feed you leopard gecko a samll portion of there meal goes to there tail. This is stored up nutrients for days when they may not eat. THis way a gecko can live from the nutrients in there tail. This does not mean you should stop feeding you gecko for days on end. Baby and juvenille geckos should be fed every day. However an adult gecko i find is perfectly comfortable eating a large meal every other day. ANd when i say large i mean 5 large crickets. My geckos are perfectly healthy and happy on this diet.

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up a unicorns tail end

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the uterus is always shriveling up and becoming useless. By- Eric Cartman

Why are the leaves on your sweet gum tree shriveling up?

Leaves shriveling up are usually a sign of an insect infestation or a fungal infection. Some common insects to check for are leaf miners and white flies. Black spot and white powdery mildew are common fungus that cause this symptom.

What do geckos weigh up to?

350 km

When do geckos climb up wall?

When they want to.

In Fairy Tail anime Do you think Natsu or Gray will end up with Lucy?

Natsu, probably.

What is the size of a baby flying gecko?

Flying geckos grow to about 5-7" STV. (snout to vent, excluding the tail) The Crested geckos usually reach this same length and their babies are approx 1/2" - 1"

Where do you get geckos?

in the zoo or the wild or up ma bum

Can you pick up a poodle rear end by its tail?

No you can't. They'll start crying and start biting you.

When do you put your bean plant in soil after putting it in a jar to grow a little for a science project?

Probably around the time its two cotyledons are shriveling up.