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Because of the cintrifugal force caused by the the earth's rotation

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Q: Why is the equator circumference larger than the circumference at the poles?
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Why is the circumference around the equator larger than that around the poles?

It is like a ball - orb shaped. There must be a beginning and an end or the Earth would go on for infinity.

What part of the earth bulges?

The equator has a slightly larger circumference than the north south measurement.

Why are larger mammals found nearer the poles than the equator?

cause they want to got a problem

What does the difference between the Earth's polar circumference and the Earth's equatorial circumference tell you about the Earth's shape?

That it's an oblate spheroid not a true sphere.

Is the atmosphere thinner at the poles than at the equator?

yes the ozone layer is thinner at the poles then the equator

Is there any difference between the value of g at the equator and the poles?

it is greater at poles than equator

Which one is hotter the Equator or the Poles?

On our Earth, the Equator is comparatively warmer than either of the Poles.

Is centrifugal force is more at equator than poles?

Yes, there is more centrifugal force near the equator than at the poles of the earth.

Does the sun rotate faster than the equator?

Than the equator of what? The sun's equator rotates faster than it's poles (about 25 [Earth] days vrs about 40 near the poles).

Why are average temperatures higher at the equator than near the poles?

The energy that reaches the equator is more intense than the energy that strikes poles

Why are averages temperatures higher at the equator than near the poles?

The energy that reaches the equator is more intense than the energy that strikes poles

Jupiter's furious rate of spin causes what to happen?

Jupiter's rapid rotation rate causes its equator to bulge out and its poles to be flattened. It looks a bit like a squashed ball; the planet is seven percent larger at the equator than at the poles.