

Why is the excretory system impotant to the human body?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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The nitrogenous waste products are very toxic to the central nervous system. So kidneys throw then out very effectively. It filters out 180/litres of fluid/day and reabsorbs most of it, leaving 0.5 to 2 liters for urine.

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Q: Why is the excretory system impotant to the human body?
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in the human body, it is the excretory system!

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The digestive system and the excretory system including the kidneys and bladder.

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The system that regulates blood composition and gets rid of waste is the Excretory system.

Why is the excretory system important to the humans?

excretory system is important to a human begin because through the excretory system we are able to get rid of all the waste products in our body the lungs get rid of waste air, the body get rid of waste and the kidneys get rid of urine.

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The pathway of human body in excretory system are the kidneys, the ureter, the bladder and the urethra.

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the excretory system the human body Most notably, the lungs.

What is the major funion of the human excretory system?

The major function of the excretory system is to remove waste and toxins from the body. Each works in a different way to filter.

In which system is liquid from the body filtered and passed out of the body?

If you are on A+ it is the Excretory System. Well, actually it's the Excretory System where-ever you go.

How does the excretory system help the body?

The excretory system help the body by excreting unnecessary things from our body

How the human body organized?

The human body is made of organs. Certain organs work together to form systems. We each have a respiratory and a Circulatory system, Digestive system and Excretory System.