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France had the largest army in Western Europe. It had the "geat" Maginot line which turned out to be obselete due to the new "blitzkrieg" method of warfare. Without France the only country left in Europe to fight off the Nazi tidal wave was England. England was nearly broke ( resulting from WW1 and the depression )and its military had been allowed to wither during the interwar years. It seemed only a matter of time until the Germans were to storm the beaches of England and complete the Nazi plan of finishing off western Europe before launching phase 2, the invasion of The Soviet Union. Even if England survived the German onslaught, it stood almost alone against Germany, since the United States had not yet entered the war. After the Americans entered the war it took years before enough materiel and men were built up in England to consider an invasion of France. This would involve one more problem to solve....landing a successful cross channel invasion.

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Q: How did the battle of France impact WWII?
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