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Growing more coniferous trees is beneficial to the environment because they produce oxygen. They also provide a home for animals to live in.

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Q: Why is the growth of coniferous trees an appropriate land use?
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Which land biome is characterized by conifers which include spruce and fir as the dominant vegetation?

Taiga biome. Coniferous trees are abundant, and permafrost is absent from the topsoil. (Information from Biology textbook.)

Which land biome is characterized by trees have needle shaped leaves and produce seeds in cones?

coniferous forest

There are two major groups of land plants?

Yes. Two major ones, and a number of minor groups. The two major groups are the conifers and the leaf trees, otherwise called, 'coniferous trees and deciduous trees'.

What has been done to save the coniferous forest?

Measures to save coniferous forests include having areas of land that is protected and cannot be deforested and planting new trees. There are also precautions taken so that wildfires do not start in some areas.

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There are different types of leaves that are found in southern Illinois which are defined by the trees in the region. The trees include bottom land forest, coniferous forest, deciduous forest and many more.

What is the difference between Tagia biome and the Estuary biome?

tiaga is made up of coniferous trees and is known as coniferous forest estuary is the biome where fresh water streams and the ocean meet the main difference is that the taiga biome is a land biome and estuary is a water biome

Did Chinook Indians ride horses?

yes No, Chinook Indians did not ride horses they traveled by canoe everywhere they went. The land was covered with giant old growth trees which made travel by land virtually impossible.

Why should lumbar companies leave some trees when cutting them down to make various products?

In the US, unless land is being cleared for construction or agriculture, lumber companies have been required for many years to either leave "seed trees" to promote growth of new trees, or to replant the land with seedling trees. That is where you will get the new generation of trees.

What is the land like on the coniferous forest if the subarctic?

this whol page is gay

How do humans effects the coniferous forest?

Stop cutting down trees and polluting the water so we can have a better habitat for animals!

What is the different of nursery and orchard?

ORCHARD is An area of land devoted to the cultivation of fruit or nut trees. The trees cultivated in such an area. FOREST is A dense growth of trees, plants, and underbrush covering a large area. Something that resembles a large, dense growth of trees, as in density, quantity, or profusion

What is the areas of permanently frozen subsoil that support only low-growing vegetation the land here is cold and does not support the growth of trees?
