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Q: Why is the head of a guinness white?
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What does Guinness look like?

Guinness looks black, with a white creamy head. See the image at the link below.

That thing in Guinness beer?

??????? Guinness in a can has a widget to help give it a head

What color is guiness?

Actually, guinness is ruby red, and the head should be almost white, Guiness that is brown is poor Guinness, and will give you the Guinness s**ts

What is the Ideal size of head on a pint of Guinness?


What company has a white G and 1759 as a logo?


What is in a black and tan drink?

A pint of smithwicks with a Guinness head.

What is the white ball in the Guinness beer can?

This is what I got off of the website: Glad you asked. The widget is a plastic molded device that sits on the top of the contents of each can of GUINNESS® Draught. When the can is opened, a small amount of beer and nitrogen, trapped in the widget, is forced out through the beer, which creates the famous creamy head that you find on a pint of GUINNESS® Draught served in a pub. The widget gives GUINNESS® Draught in cans the taste and texture of a pub-poured pint at home. In GUINNESS® Draught in bottles, the clever little 'rocket' widget floats free in the beer to refresh the creamy head of your GUINNESS® Draught with each swig you take from the bottle.

In The Man in the White Suit who played fabric inventor Sidney Stratton?

Alec Guinness

What is a bishop's collar?

A bishop's collar is a pint of Guinness or similar drink with two much head on the top.

Do wrens have a white strip on their head?

Yes they do have a white strip on their head.

Who invented guinness?

Arthur Guinness.

What does Guinness stand for in Guinness world records 2011?

Guinness is the company that sponsors the book. It is the same Guinness that is the famous drink from Ireland.