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They understand the seriousness of global warming and they want to leave the world a better place for their children and grandchildren.

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Q: Why is the hoax of man-made global warming being pushed by some of the Senators and Congressman of the United States?
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Is elected by the people?

In the United States each person can vote for one congressman and two senators.

Does the president appoint the members of congress?

No. The members of the US Congress are elected by the people in the district which the Congressman represents. The senators are elected by their states.

What Senators and representativtes are known as?

Together they are known as "Congress" Technically both US senators and representatives CAN be correctly referred to as "Congressman" or "Congresswoman" but those terms are normally reserved for members of the House of Representatives and senators are simply called "Senator".

What is the difference between a US Congressman and a US Senator?

A congressman represents a distrct within a state while a senator represents the state as a whole. Technically the term congressman refers to a person from either the House of Representatives or Senate, ( in other words a senator is also considered a congressman) In practice the term congressman is exclusively used to describe a member of the house of representatives.


In some states, anyone can officiate at a wedding, even a congressman. In other states, you must be a member of the clergy to officiate.

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United States Congressman from Pennsylvania

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How many US Senators does all the states combined have?

Each of the 50 states has two senators for a total of 100 US Senators.

How many us senators in Arizona?

All States in the United States have 2 senators, therefore Arizona has two US Senators

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two all of the states have two state senators

The names of our States' us senators?

A list of United States senators and the states they represent can be found on the official United States Senate website. Many state websites will also list the Senators.

What is a democratic congressman?

In the United States of America a congressman is anyone elected to the legislative branch of government. However the legislative branch is divided into two parts, the Senate and the House of Representatives. In common usage, members of the Senate are called Senators and members of the House of Representatives are called congressmen.