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Q: Why is the lack of a hierarchical structure a problem for political parties?
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Organisational structure of tesco?

Tesco has a hierarchical structure because it has a lot of layers and a lot of people reporting into more than one person before that information get to the boss. A hierarchical structure has many levels. Each level is controlled by one person. A hierarchical company tends to be a very big company just like Tesco is. In a hierarchy instructions are generally passed down from one person to another until it gets to the bottom of the hierarchical structure. If there was a problem in a hierarchical structure it would move up through the structure again from one person to another until it gets to where it is supported to be. Strengths of a Hierarchical structure is that there is a close control of workers. Workers in Tesco will know exactly what they have to do so they don't wait around until they are told.

How did the creations of political parties create a problem?

people are starting to be against each other

What were two ways in which Columbia solved the problem of friction between two political parties?

Alternating four year terms between parties, and dividing the offices equally between the two parties.

How does political instability increase identity politics?

Political instability within a government would appear to give political parties the leverage to take advantage of this instability to strongly influence the policies and activities of the unstable central government. However, there are factors that offset this problem for the central government. One clear one is that political instability is an indicator that political parties are often unstable as well. The other handicap the central government can avoid is the fact that the potential powers of political parties are rivals among each other. Giving the central government the opportunity to drive a wedge between these parties, and thereby negate the instability of the central government. There are innumerable variables in this scenario that are open to speculation.

Political crisis in Pakistan?

Is this a question? Is it the way to ask question? The question simply could be asked: Is there a political crisis in Pakistan? Then the answer would be: At the moment political crisis is not seen, because the opposition parties are not well arranged and not so popular (though the reigning Peoples Party is not doing well). Pakistan instead of political crisis is having economic (because of flood) and social crisis (because of flood and war). And Pakistan always hace ethbnic crisis (Mohazer problem, Baloch problem, Pashtun problem), Urdu/non Urdu speaking problem.

Are political parties seen as such a problem today?

The term "Political Parties" means different things depending on your location. If you live in the United States, the term Political Party only means something at the state or national level. A candidate runs for a particular office and will represent the people of a particular area. When the candidate is elected, he will be a part of a political party for the purpose of organizing the legislature but otherwise will vote as he pleases. On the other hand, in Brazil people vote for a party. The elected politician does not represent a particular group of people but a percentage of a larger group. That type of system works when a party or group of parties can maintain a majority. It has worked in England where there have traditionally been two parties. Italy with its multitude of parties has frequently been impossible to govern.

What was one problem Washington faced when he was president?

1. DISAGREEMENT between jefferson and hamilton beginning of political parties. 2.whiskey rebellion-1794-citizens angry over taxes on whiskey

What where Stone age politics?

There were no politics in this time in history. They were hunter and gatherers and had no government. Political parties and philosophy come from forming government. If someone didn’t like someone they hit them with a rock. Problem solved.

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A political problem is a situation which has caused conflict and is related to politics. Such problems will often affect the economy of a country.

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