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Life expectancy is a useful indicator of general health in every country, first of all.

In developed countries:

  • Elderly people make the heaviest use of health care and certain other resources. Since they are no longer contributing their labour at this time in this lives the wealth that must be diverted to pay for this must be regarded as a burden on the remainder of the population. Life expectancy is one crude measure of this burden.
  • Elderly people may receive any of a variety of pension benefits. The longer they live the greater will be the cost to society of these benefits.
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1mo ago

Life expectancy is important to a developed country as it reflects the overall health and well-being of its population. A higher life expectancy indicates better access to healthcare, improved living conditions, and a more resilient society. It also affects economic productivity, healthcare costs, and social welfare programs.

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because it is a quick and easy way to find out how developed a country is.

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If the life expectancy is high, then the wealth of the country will be high as well

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Seychelles life expectancy is 71 years.

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The country with the highest life expectancy in the world is Andorra - which is a little country between France and Spain.

Why is life expectancy important?

Life expectancy is important because it tells how long a person or organism might live

What country has the best life expectancy?

This depends on what you mean by best. But according to Schott's Almanac 2010: The country with the highest female life expectancy is Japan, at 85.6. And the country with the highest male life expectancy is Australia, at 79.3.

Is life expectancy a good way to compare countries?

Yes, because it helps to provide an overall view of the state that country is in - developed or developing.

Is Japan a developing or developed country?

like the USA, Japan is a developed or post industrial country