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Alcohol eats away at your organs which will then damage the liver. Alcohol should not be a "oh lets go party" drink, you should only be drinking to drink it not to get drunk and want to party. The more alcohol you drink the more your liver is going to be ate away at. With out your liver, it will be the end of you :(

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It is metabolized or broken down into its components there.

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you can die. or suffer from liver inflammation (hepatitis) , and get this desease forget what its called but it makes you yellow lol

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Q: Why is the liver damaged by excess alcohol?
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How is liver affected by alcohol?

The liver can be damaged by all the alcohol that you put in your body if you consme it heavily and abusively for a period of decades.

When you drink alcohol does your liver get more damaged?

Yes,your body wasn't designed to handle alcohol.

What organ is damaged permantently by alcohol use?

The Liver can be affected by overuse.

What causes the liver to get hard?

Sclerosis can be caused by alcohol, excess fat, or disease.

Is liver toxic?

not at recommended doses for the prescribed amount of time with cautions about excess alcohol

Excess alcohol intake leads to a reduction in the synthesis rate of?

Liver glucose ~jmata~

Which is the result of smooth endoplasmic reticulum being damaged in liver cells by excess alcohol consumption?

After all my years of study I noticed that they appear to get dissolutional when they hit H2O. So the function turns into a shoe like structure that has hardly any qualities.

The liver removes excess from the bloodstream?

Yes, it removes toxins and waste from the bloodstream e.g. Alcohol.

Why do alcoholics get yellow skin?

Because excess alcohol use damages the liver. And jaundice(turning yellow) is a common sign of liver damage.

What are the effects of alcohol on a previously damaged liver?

Alcohol can have negative consequences for the liver, particularly a liver that has been previously damaged.Since the liver is responsible for metabolizing alcohol, forcing it to metabolize alcohol further is like asking someone who is nearly blind to read a small sign at a distance--difficult to do.Liver problems associated with chronic alcohol consumption include:1. Fatty liver- alcohol causes the accumulation of fat in the liver cells. Most liver cells die as a result of fat being stored in them2. Hepatitis- inflammation of the liver from the use of alcohol, which can result in liver failure3. Cirrhosis of the liver- alcohol kills liver cells. It causes the development of scar tissues on the liver, leading to liver failure.

How long does it take for normal liver function to return after a month of heavy drinking alcohol?

The liver functions normally while a person is drinking. It is the liver that primarily metabolizes the alcohol being consumed.Another Answer:The liver is stressed while metabolizing alcohol. Alcohol (ab)use is one of the primary causes of liver failure.

How long to repair a liver from alcohol?

I am in the same boat. The doctor says, no alcohol until the liver is healed. This is strictly because the liver is the organ that filters alcohol. The liver filters poisons from the body and the body considers alcohol to be a poison.