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Now, stop and think about that question for a minute. If the moon was slower than the Earth, wouldn't it be really far behind us after 4 billion years?

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Q: Why is the moon slower than the earth?
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Why moon rotates slower than earth?

The influence of the Earth has slowed down the rotation of the moon.

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They would weather slower than on earth due to different amts of wind and rain than on earth.

Is the moon rotating faster than earth?

No. The moon rotates much slower than Earth. Earth completes a rotation once every days. The moon completes a rotation once every 27 days.

Is the acceleration on the moon less or more powerful than on earth?

Gravity on the moon is lower than earth since it had lesser mass. The falling object would accelerate at slower speed on the moon compare to earth.

Does the moon spin on its axis faster than the earth?

No. It's much slower. The Earth takes a day to spin round. The Moon takes a month.

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Because the Moon orbits the Earth slower than the earth rotates itself, it creates friction that pulls the Moon away at about 1/4 an inch a year

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Because the Moon Turns Slower Then The Earth.

Why is a day in the moon the same length as a year on earth?

Because the Moon Turns Slower Then The Earth.

What happens if you poop on the moon?

The moon does have gravity, it just has a lot less gravity than the earth because it has less mass and volume. The poop would fall to the surface of the moon, just a bit slower than it would on the earth.

Why can't you see the moon at the same time in the same place everyday?

because the moon spins around the earth at a slower rate than a 24 period

Will sound travel faster or slower on moon than on earth?

Sound will not travel on the moon because on the moon there is no air, and sound works by vibrating particles next to each other. YES IT WONT TRAVEL AT ALL

Why is the day longer on Pluto than on earth?

a day is how long it takes the object to revolve one time. Pluto is smaller than the earth but it rotates much slower. The moon revolves around the earth at the same rate it rotates. That is why we see the same side of the moon at all times;