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Q: Why is the name committee of public safety ironic?
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What was the name of the group led by Robespierre who held executive power?

The Committee of Public Safety.

Maxilien Robespierre was an influential figure in?

He was the leader of the committee of public safety right after the French revolution the committee of public safety caused the deaths of thousands in the name of public security. Robespierre later would be put to death by his own men for these deaths

What was the name of the group that ruled in France after the Reign of Terror?

The third estate. :)

What was the name of the Campaign waged by the Committee of Public Safety against people it considered enemies of France?

It is often nicknamed The Terror (in French La Terreur).

Whose reign was called the Reign of Terror?

The Reign of Terror is also known simply as "The Terror."

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What was directory?

The Directory was a five-member committee which governed France from 1795, when it replaced the Committee of Public Safety, until it was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte in the Coup of 18 Brumaire (8-9 November 1799) and replaced by the French Consulate. It gave its name to the final four years of the French Revolution.

What was the roll of the Committee of Public Safety during the French Revolution?

France was in the throes of revolution, and at the same time fighting a war against other nations which wanted the King back on his throne. The purpose of the committee, set up under the slogan 'La Patrie en Danger', was to rid the country of those elements within it which sympathized with the aims of the country's enemies. This of course included the King, who was the first to go.The protection and preservation of the French Revolution.

What was the name of Birmingham Alabama's Commissioner of public safety?

Alabama's commissioner of safety during the Civil Rights movement was Eugen "Bull" Conor

What is an alternative name for a steering committee?

Leadership Committee

What is the name given to a permanent congressional committee?

Standing Committee

What is a ironic name for a elephant?

short neck