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In hot weather the makers of soft drinks want you to think of how icy cold their product will be. Nothing captures the feel of winter on an ice flow like a polar bear!

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Q: Why is the polar bear the mascot of Coke?
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What is the mascot for klondike bar which appear on the wrapper?

The mascot is a Polar Bear.

What is the logo of coke?

that polar bear thing

How much will the white polar bear coke can be worth in 5 years?

Polar bears are a logo of Pepsi and not Coke.

What is the mascot for klondike bar which appears on the wrapper?

A polar bear!

Who is Carlton the Bear?

He is the mascot for the NHL team the Toronto Maple Leafs. He is a polar bear.

Why is Coca Cola supporting polar bears?

it benefits the wwf for every coke can with a polar bear bought

What furry animal does Coca Cola use to promote Coke during the Holidays?

A polar bear.

Does a polar bear have any markings?

yes they have one on their paws tat look like a coke bottle

Who might be a mascot of a school located on the north pole?

an elf, a santa clause, a polar bear, a pinguin, or even a snowman!

Why is Coca-cola's mascot a polar bear?

A polar bear represents Cold!, The "Cold" Word has been Used for the last Century for Marketing Coca-cola to the southern states where Coca-cola Headquarters is Located (Georgia)

Who is the polar bear mascot in vocaloid?

the polar bear is actually just the coca cola bear that a mmd model was created for it most ppl think that he is the mascot but there actually many vocaloid mascots No you are wrong His named is Chaos Polar Bear from his software Kuma uta from PS2 in 2003. You teach a polar bear to sing enka. he is a vocaloid for enka music.He was made before Miku Hatsune and after MEIKO. He was created a MMD in 2007 because of his anniversary. here is a sample of a MMD that was created from Nicovideo Song: I never surrender to moe Lyrics: North Island sub Vocal: Chaos Polar Bear

What is the Mascot of White Bear Lake Mn?

The mascot of White Bear Lake MN is the Bear. They are the White Bear Lake Bears.