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Oil is set by the oil cartels and the government. They have their own reasons, including greed to set the prices the way they do.

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13y ago

Basically the demands for petrol, that's why every week it raises.

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11y ago

Because increase in petrol lead to production cost,business cover these by increasing price of goods.

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11y ago

yes petrol prices should increase but at reasonable rates so that at a middle class can afford it should not increase suddenly ...but persistently..

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9y ago

This high demand usually translates into higher gasoline prices. Cleaner-burning summer-grade fuels, which are more expensive to produce.

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Q: Why is the price of oil consistently increasing which is causing petrol to rocket in price?
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What is the relationship between income and luxury goods?

higher income, more luxery goods. not rocket science.

When did cotton become profitable?

It had made it much easier to clean cotton and made industries sky rocket

Use inexorable in a sentence?

The fighter plane began it's inexorable journey to destruction after being hit by a rocket.

What are the disadvantages of Britain joining the Euro?

· We should be proud of the pound · Prices will rocket · It will cost £18 million to set it up · It would make it hard to get out of the current economic crisis · We would lose our individuality

What causes acceleration to increase?

I am assuming you actually did mean acceleration and not speed or velocity. Acceleration already implies a change in speed or velocity, either increasing or decreasing. For an object to change speed -- in other words, for an object to accelerate -- the sum of the forces acting upon it must be non-zero. But you asked about an increase in acceleration! That's a bit different. The change in acceleration is called jerk, which requires a bit of explanation. If you drop an object off a tall tower in a vacuum on Earth, that object will experience constant acceleration; that is, its speed will increase at a constant rate. At the end of its first second of freefall, it will achieve a speed of 32 feet per second; at the end of its second second of freefall, it will reach 64 feet per second; and at the end of its third second, it will be falling at 96 feet per second. You can see that the change in speed from one second to the next is always 32 feet per second, which implies a constant acceleration. Since the object is accelerating, we know that the sum of the forces acting upon the object is something other than zero. In fact, the force acting upon the falling object is its weight, and since there's nothing to counteract its weight, the object falls at constantly increasing speed. But what if the object reached 32 feet per second in the first second and 64 feet per second in the next and 128 feet per second in the next?! You can see that the difference in speed from one second to the next is not constant; it's increasing. That implies that the force acting on the object is not constant but is also increasing. That sort of thing happens in rocketry -- think of the space shuttle -- when the thrust forces created by the rocket motors increase greatly as they burn off fuel. A varying force will result in a varying acceleration, which is called jerk.

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What type of fuel does a space rocket use?

petrol by yash

What is the route to the moon in a rocket?

i dont exactly no but it is highly a lot of money for petrol...

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How will the wind affect the rocket after it is launched?

Wind will affect the rocket causing it to go off course or crash into a tree.

Can you use petrol as a fuel in rocket engine?

Rocket fuel contains oxygen, which is not found in space. A rocket in space could theoretically work in space if it were to carry its own oxygen, but other fuels such as hydrogen are more efficient.

The parachute slows the rocket down by increasing aerodynamic circle?

The parachute creates drag that opposes the rocket's motion, slowing it down. This drag force is generated as the parachute catches the air and creates turbulence, reducing the rocket's speed.

What is causing the strange radio waves in Soul Silver?

Team Rocket is causing the strange radio waves at the Radio Tower in Goldenrod City.

What causes the forward motion of a rocket?

The force of the combustion pushes on the interior of the rocket. The combustion releases through the rear exhaust, causing the rocket to move forward.

What happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar to power a Rocket Car?

It will bubble and fizz up causing it to take off!

What are examples of Acceleration by increasing speed?

-- Dropping a stone off the edge of a cliff.-- Flooring the "accelerator" pedal while keeping the wheel straight.-- The speed of a bottle rocket or a Delta rocket before their fuel is used up or engine is shut down.

In a rocket burning fuel produces hot gases that push against the inside of the rocket and escape out the bottom causing a reaction that moves the rocket in the opposite direction. True or false?

true.due to newton's 3rd law when the gases push against d ground,the force exerted makes it move ahead.

What happen to challager the space rocket?

It exploded on it's way to space, causing the orbiter (Shuttle) to fall into the ocean, killing all on board.