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Quran is important to Muslims because it is their holy book that reflects Allah (God in English; same God worshiped by Jews and Christians) word revelations to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the angel Jibril (Gabriel). Muslims are taught from Quran all their ritual worships and what to do and what should not do. Refer to questions below for more information.

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Q: Why is the quaran important to Muslims?
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Why can't Muslims eat when Quaran is read?

ur paying respect to the quaran.

Is the quaran special?

IT IS VERY SPECIAL!!!!!!ITS VERY IMPORTANT MUSLIMS READ THAT SO THEY CAN GO HEAVEN!DUUHHH!!!!very good thought though the Quaran is very special

What Is The Quaran Basis For No Sabbath?

I don't think there is any. Muslims have Friday Sabbath.

What was the earliest recorded date of the quran?

According to the Muslims, the earliest recorded date of the Quaran is 610.

How do Muslims know what God want them to do?

The holy Quaran is there for a reason. It is a guidline for all Muslims and helps them succeed, both in life and on the Day of Judgment.

What are the most important things in Islam?

The Holy Quaran

How do you speak Islamic?

Islamic is not a is the religion of Muslims....Muslims follow quran an d quaran is written in Arabic if u want u can speak Arabic

Is the Quaran for all religions?

No. It is the text of Islam (Muslims). Other texts such as the Bible and Torah are used in other religions such as Christianity and Judaism.

What does the Quaran provide?

the quaran provides sermons from the prophey muhammad.

How old is quaran Davis?

quaran Davis is 12 years of age

What does the quaran mean?

The Quran is the holy book of Islam, believed by Muslims to be a revelation from God. It is written in Arabic and is considered the ultimate source of guidance for Muslims in matters of faith and practice. It covers a wide range of topics, including theology, morality, and guidance for personal conduct.

was education important for Muslims?

Sure, it is important for Muslims and non-Muslims, for males and females, and for the rich and the poor.