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Because f@ck logic

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Q: Why is the red litmus paper reaction is irreversible?
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Why do you test with litmus paper?

The main use of litmus is to test whether a solution is acidic or alkaline. Wet litmus paper can also be used to test water-soluble gases; the gas dissolves in the water and the resulting solution colors the litmus paper. For instance, ammonia gas, which is alkaline, colors the red litmus paper blue. Chemical reactions other than acid-base reaction can also cause a color-change to litmus paper. For instance, chlorine gas turns blue litmus paper white - the litmus paper is bleached.[5] This reaction is irreversible and therefore the litmus is not acting as an indicator in this situation

What is the reaction of bile to litmus paper phenolphthalein and Congo red?

There is no change in litmus paper, phenophthalein turns yellow, and congo red changes to orange..

What do you call Its turns blue litmus paper to red?

Chemical Reaction

What color does litmus paper change when added to HCL and methyl benzene?

There is no change, blue litmus stays blue and red litmus stays red.

What is the reaction with litmus paper after boiling the water and ferric chloride mixture?

The Blue Litmus paper will turn into Red, while the Red litmus paper will retain its color. So it only indicates that the said mixture is an acid.

What is the color of red litmus paper when you place a dilute acetic acids what color reaction to acids and bases?

this is very easy to understand if u place red litmus paper in a acid it turns red/pink. if u place red litmus paper in a base it turns blue. blue litmus paper in a acid turns pink/red. blue litmus paper in a base stays blue.

What is the reaction of the soft drinks in the red litmus paper?

It will remains red because soft drinks is acid

Is turning litmus paper red from blue a chemical change?

yes. it is a chemical reaction

Does a base turn blue litmus paper blue?

yes a blue litmus paper turns red when put into an acid

What colour would litmus turn in acids?

blue litmus paper turns to red when its in contact with acid

What does a base do to red litmus paper?

Red litmus paper is used to check for basicity. It turns blue when exposed to bases. Blue litmus paper is used to check for acidity. It turns red when exposed to acids.

How do bases affect red litmus paper?

Turns red litmus paper blue.