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it is rich in carbon dioxide

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Q: Why is the renal vein low in oxygen?
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Which has less nitrogenous waste the renal vein or the renal artery?

The blood in the Renal Vein:* Is low in oxygen. * Returns to the heart. The blood in the Renal Artery:* Has high amounts of oxygen. * Is pumped from the heart.

In what way does the composition of the blood in the renal artery differ from the renal vein?

The renal artery takes blood to the kidney. The renal vein takes blood away from the kidney. In the kidney, the waste product urea is filtered out of the blood. So the main difference is in the amount of urea in the blood: high in the renal artery and low in the renal vein.

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Which blood vessel renal artery or renal vein contain less nitrogenous waste?

Renal vein.

Name 2 blood vessels which enters and leave the kidney?

Afferent - go into the glomerulus and efferent - go out of glomerulus

What blood vessel carries blood from the heart to the kidneys?

The renal artery delivers blood to the kidneys.

Which blood vessel does blood leave the kidney from?

the renal artery. :) Micaela U. Sanchez

How does the blood in the renal artery differ from the blood of renal vein?

renal artery contains a higher percentage of oxygen as compared tro the renal vein. it also contains a higher percentage of urea as compared to the renal vein as all the urea has been filtered away for excretion in the kidney.

What veins and arteries travel through the renal sinus?

segmental artery, renal artery, renal vein, arcule vein, interlobular vein, interlobular artery

What is the function of the renal vein?

The main function of a renal vein is to carry blood from the kidneys

How is renal vein thrombosis diagnosed?

Renal venography, where a contrast material (dye) is injected into the renal vein before x rays are taken, is one of the best ways to detect renal vein thrombosis.

What is renal vein thrombosis?

Renal vein thrombosis develops when a blood clot forms in the renal vein, which carries blood from the kidneys back to the heart. The disorder is not common.