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Q: Why is the rescuer skeptical about tending to this creature in the story above it all?
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Is God the best rescuer?

In my opinion...ALWAYS. but that is really just someones opinion. I agree with the person above. God is forever the rescuer and creator of us all.

Where does the rescuer position himself to give the Heimlich maneuver on a conscious adult?

the rescuer stands behind the victim. The victim may either be sitting or standing. The rescuer makes a fist with one hand, and places it, thumb toward the victim, below the rib cage and above the waist

Where are the pomegranates on mythology island?

There is a tree above the creature in the Garden of the Sphinx.

What qualifications are needed to be an animal rescuer?

I read somewhere about needing 5 GCSES a C or a above to become an RSPCA inspector hope this helps :-)

What offering does Hades want on Mythology Island?

The pomegranates from the tree above the creature in the Garden of the Sphinx.

What do you give to Hades as an offering on Mythology Island?

The pomegranates from the tree above the creature in the Garden of the Sphinx.

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No its a mammal but it lives in the sea and then comes up for air above the surface of the ocean.

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Persephone spends half of the year in the Underworld, and half of the world 'above'; whether on Mount Olympus, or tending to the earth's natural beauties.

What do you place on the Hades altar on Mythology Island?

The offering to Hades is pomegranates, which are found on the tree above the creature in the Garden of the Sphinx.

Where do you find the object that goes on the Hades altar on mythology island?

The offering is pomegranates, from the tree above the creature in the Garden of the Sphinx.

How do you ride a creature that's normally hostile in super Scribblenauts?

You could spawn a mind control device and use that on them.Also, if you can add adjective to it, simply spawn a friendly, ridable creature. If not, just use the method above.