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The shofar is blown because the Torah commands it (Leviticus 23:24; Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 33b-34a).

Rosh Hashanah is the first two days of the month of Tishrei, and is the Jewish New Year. Our traditions state that at that time the world is judged for the coming year (Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 16a). The shofar (ram's horn) is blown, symbolically heralding God's kingship, and calling to mind the covenant of Isaac (see Genesis ch.22); and we read the Torah and say prayers which ask for a good year and which declare God's kingship over the world. Festive meals are held in the home, and traditional foods (such as the well-known apple dipped in honey) are eaten to symbolize a sweet year.

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The Torah commands us to do so (Leviticus 23:24; Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 33b-34a).

Rosh Hashanah is the first of the month of Tishrei, and is the Jewish New Year. On that day our traditions state that the world is judged for the coming year (Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 16a); and we read the Torah and say prayers which ask for a good year and which declare God's kingship over the world. The shofar (ram's horn) is blown, symbolically heralding God's kingship, and calling to mind the covenant of Isaac (see Genesis ch.22). Festive meals are held in the home, and traditional foods (such as the well-known apple dipped in honey) are eaten to symbolize a sweet year.

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Related questions

Does the shofar get blown on Shabbat in Israel?

No, it does not.

Was a shofar ever blown after a victory?

The Israelites heard the shofar blown at the beginning of war, not at the end. It was an announcement of commencement, either of a fight, a ceremony, or a meeting. In modern history a shofar was famously blown when the state of Israel took control of the Western Wall during the Six-Day War. (See related links down below).

How many times is shofar blown for new year?

100 times !

Is the trumphet blown at the beginning of Rosh Hashanah?

Rosh Hashanah starts in the evening, and the Shofar is blown the following morning, on each of the two days.

Why do not blow the Shofar on Shabbat?

Blowing the Shofar is a form of musical instrument, and playing musical instruments is generally prohibited on Shabbat to honor the day's rest. However, there are exceptions to this rule, like during the High Holidays when it is allowed to blow the Shofar.

Why do you blow the shofar?

The shofar is a horn, traditionally that of a ram, blown as a call to worship. It's symbolism is based in the story of Abraham and Isaac, in which a ram is sacrificed to G-d. Today, it is used mainly during the high holy days.

At what time during the two day celebration of Rosh Hashanah is the trumphet blown?

On each of the two days, before the Musaf prayer (morning or late morning, depending when the prayers began). If the Sabbath occurs on that day (which happens in some years), then the Shofar is not blown that day.

Will the shofar be blown on a Saturday?

Orthodox and Conservative Jews do not blow the shofar on Rosh Hashannah when Rosh Hashannah falls on a Saturday. This is to honor the Sabbath. However, both celebrate Rosh Hashannah as a two-day festival, so they blow the other day of the festival. Many Reform Jews only celebrate Rosh Hashannah as a one-day festival, but they aren't stringent about prohibited work on the Sabbath, so they blow the Shofar on Saturday.

When was Shofar of Freedom Award created?

Shofar of Freedom Award was created in 1990.

How do you correctly spell the word Shofar?

The correct spelling is shofar. The plural is shofarot (or shofaros according to the traditional Ashkenazi spelling).

What time is the shofar blown on Yom Kippur?

Around 15 or 30 minutes after sunset.Yom Kippur: the Neilah ServiceOn Yom Kippur, the last service of all-day praying is the Neilah Service which ends with the Shofar sounding. One should blow the Shofar the sounds tekiah, shevarim teruah, tekiah, although there are authorities who say that one should blow just one tekiah. The Shofar should be sounded after the cantor has said the Kaddish following the Neilah prayer. Some localities have adopted the practice of having the Shofar sounded after the Kaddish prayer. (Shulchan Aruch 623:12)See Arthur L. Finkle, Easy Guide for Sofat Sounding, Torah Aura, LA, 2002The blowing of the Shofar signifies the end of Yom Kippur, and after it the prayer 'Leshana Habaa Beyrushalayim' (Next year in Jerusalem) is recited aloud in song.In terms of the actual time, it depends on your particular location. In New York, for example, it was at 19:55 on Saturday evening September 14, 2013.

What year was the shofar invented?

The shofar is an ancient communication instrument. It's origins are unknown.