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because u bath in hot water

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They loose moisture.

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Q: Why is the skin on your elbow very dry?
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Why do woman were makeup on there elbows?

Woman wear makeup on their wlbows because the elbow gets very dry and the skin can sometimes crak or bleed, making it look noticibly wrong or out of place. Also, some makeup has a healing lotion in it (Shea Butter) that heald dry skin while hiding the fact that it is dry.

What is a weenus?

Weenus is a slang term for the loose skin on your elbow. " The stretchy area of skin located on the posterior of the elbow centered particularly over the olecranon process of the ulna." The weenus is the very tip of your elbow. The pointed part.

What is the flap of skin skin at the elbow called?

The flap of skin at the elbow is called a wenus.

Do ferrets get dry skin in winter?

Its very common for them to get dry skin and become very itchy during winter, mostly because 1. you have your heater on most likely which doesnt moisten the air, and 2. Most winters are very dry which causes them to get dry skin.

Why is the skin so rough on the elbow?

Because there is no nerves around your elbow, in the skin.

What is the skin on the elbow called?

Dry skin that needs lotion. Did you read the other answers? Everyone is asking this question. Olecranal, is not referring to the skin, but to the protrusion of the bone called the ulna. In human anatomy class, we were told that the elbow skin is continuous and contiguous with the rest of the skin on your body, which is part of the integument, or epidermis. Simple squamous epithelial tissue is the outer most layer of the epidermis. The skin on the bottom of your feet and palm of your hands is considered "thick skin". The elbow may look like thick skin because of how dry it can get when you don't pay attention to your looks and hydration, but really it is not "thick skin".

What is another word for elbow skin?

another word for for elbow skin is wenis with a "w"

Is dry skin unhealthy?

If it is very severe.

How do you know if you have sensitive elbows?

The skin around the elbow may show signs of redness, may be inflamed or may also be painful or very painful to touch. When things touching the elbow may cause the elbow to feel distressed. You may also experience pains when applying creams for sensitive skin to the elbow.

What is pasty skin?

White and very pale skin. Predominatly gross looking, dry skin.

What is the extra skin at the elbow called?

The skin on your elbow is usually only loose when you hold your arm straight. If you bend your elbow as far as you can, the skin will probably be tight. You have extra skin on the elbow so that you can bend your arm. It could also be a form of bursitis or build up of fluids.

What is a weenies?

It is a slang term that someone made up for the loose patch of skin outside one's elbow. The skin is more properly called the olecranal skin, covering the point of the elbow (olecranon).