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the soil is thinner because it is dryer. water and moister will go to the center f the hill.

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Q: Why is the soil on the slope of a hill thinner than the soil at the top or bottom of a hill?
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The rock particles rise perpendicular to the slope of the hill.

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boundries are filled so they reduce soil erosion

How the slope of the land affects soil thickness?

Well, I'm 13 and last year I took Earth/Space Science Honors for High School so, ummm, I might not know but the higher the slope, the more rainfall will build up at the bottom. I know from just hearing a fact that the soil thickness near the center of the slope would be thin and the top and bottom of the slope would be thick.

How does the slope of land affect soil thickness?

Well, I'm 13 and last year I took Earth/Space Science Honors for High School so, ummm, I might not know but the higher the slope, the more rainfall will build up at the bottom. I know from just hearing a fact that the soil thickness near the center of the slope would be thin and the top and bottom of the slope would be thick.

Why soils don't form on steep slopes?

the soil gets washed down the steep slope and gathers at the bottom

How does ploughing across a slope of a hill help retain the soil in farm fields?

Plowing across the slope minimizes erosion by inhibiting water's ability to run down the slope. Plowing in the direction of the slope creates channels that water runs down, carrying the valuable topsoil with it.

What does landslide mean?

During a landslide, any loose soil that is on a steep slope, will be moved due to the shaking. As there are usually villages and towns etc. at the bottom, the soil and maybe even rocks will hit the town and cause damage such as buildings being brought down and harm to the people.

How do mudslides form?

Mud that lay on a hill and when heavy rain comes the mud flows down the slope to create a MUDSLIDE.

Which set of conditions would produce the most runoff of precipitation?

gentle slope, unsaturated soil, vegetation

After a heavy rainfall soil on a desert hill slides to the bottom is that called a muslide?

Or Mudslide because there both the same thing