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Q: Why is the structure of a leaf cells (potato tuber) is unable to perform the function of the tuber cells efficiently?
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What is the function of a potato?

The natural function of a potato is to produce more potato plants. We take the potato and bake, fry, and mash them to eat. Children are even taught to use potatoes to print pictures!

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apple >> banana > potato >>> strawberry.

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What is the function of the rhizomatous stem in potato?

it gives the plant food

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solidifying agent.

Why potato is a stem?

Because the part that turn into the potato is a structure off the stem of the plant. You can see this for yourself because the "eyes" of the potato tuber are stem side shoots.

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If a potato is frozen on the outside is it safe to eat?

While potatoes that have been frozen are safe to eat the cell structure of the potatoes will have been damaged. As a result the quality of the potato has been diminished.

How do roots perform their main functions?

Hi this is bio excuseeee meeee that is very much unacceptable sure so I'm gonna tell you what function do roots perform Stem and Roots function in transport of water, minerals, and sugars. ROOTS can perform the job of storing sugars (as in the potato). Roots also perform the task of Anchoring the plant in soil. .