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The Imperative Mood can be used only in the second person. The subject of the sentence is often omitted when the Imperative Mood is used. In such sentences, the subject you is said to be "understood".

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Q: Why is the subject in an imperative sentence said to be understood?
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The need for action is directed to the person spoken to.This is an imperative sentence. The subject of an imperative sentence can be implied, not said. The implied subject of this sentence is you.

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two esential parts of every declarative or an imperative sentence are subject (about which or whom something is being said) and predicate (what is being said about the subject)

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Face the music is a sentence because it has a subject and a verb. The subject is you understood because they are talking to you but you aren't said in the sentence. the verb is face.

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In that sentence "don't" refers to do not. It is a verb adverb combination with do as the verb. The subject is "You" even though its not said. It's refered to as an understood subject.

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Well, this sentence is an interrogative sentence. When a sentence is a question, it is an interrogative sentence. Imperative sentences give commands or requests, declarative sentences declare things like: I went to the park today. Exclamatory sentences are said with feeling.

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An imperative statement is a commanding statement. An imperative statement tells something or someone what to do, when to do something, or how to do something. An example would be "Go away!" and "Stop talking!" Others would be "Forget I said that," and "Sing me a song."

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Active listening, clear and concise language, and empathy are imperative for proper communication. These elements help ensure that messages are understood, that there is a mutual understanding between parties, and that relationships are built on respect and trust.

How do you change the imperative sentence to reported speech?

To change an imperative sentence to reported speech, you would typically use a reporting verb such as "ask" or "tell" followed by "to + base form of the verb." For example, "She said, 'Please close the door'" would become "She asked me to close the door."

What states the subject of a paragraph and what will be said about it?

a key sentence. or either a topic sentence.

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Only a sentence can be said to have sentence structure, and the word innumerable is not a sentence, unless we imagine that it is the reply to the question "how many pickles have you eaten?" In that case, the terse reply "innumerable" is understood to mean, I have eaten innumerable pickles. This is a simple sentence, with I as the subject, have eaten as the verb, pickles as the object, and innumerable as an adjective modifying pickles.

What does a predicate show in a sentence?

A predicate is what is said about the subject of the sentence and often follows the verb.