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the world spins and in winter i think were on the dark side

its because the temperature drops down to lower side in winter while in summer the sun blazes and the temperature is higher

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8y ago

1) Height of the sun. 2) Length of the day.

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14y ago

because the earth spins on its axis.

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Q: Why is the sun lower in winter than in summer?
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The sun is lower in the winter.

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The sun reaches its highest elevation at the moment that summer begins.

Why is the sun higher in the sky in the the summer and lower in the winter?

why the sun is higher in summer is because the earths top of the axis is pointed to the sun which makes this hotter and in winter the axis is pointed away from the sun which makes it colder

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Because our elliptical orbit is closest to the sun in summer than in winter, when it is winter we are above the sun and when it's summer and we are below the sun

Why is the sun higher in the sky in summer and lower in the winter?

Because of the tilt of Earth's axis.

The What period of sunlight is one reson summer is warmer than winter?

Summer, because the Earth is on an ellipse and the Sun is not centered. Therefore, the Sun is farther in the Winter and closer in the Summer.

Why does the elevation of the sun change from winter to summer?

The earth is tilted 23 degrees in the orbit plane. This results of lower elevation in the winter and greater elevation in the summer.

Why does the sun appear lower in the sky in winter compared to summer?

The Earth's axis tilt is responsible.

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cause summer has the sun rays more than the winter so it's hotter

Why does the sun appear more in the summer than the winter?

because of the revolution

Why does the sun appear lower in the sky in the summer?

Because the Earth is tilted further away (back) from the Sun.