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The further you are down, the colder it gets. For example, when you spray yourself with deodorant, its cold. This is because it is under pressure in a can.

But yes, the further you go down, the more pressure, the colder it gets.

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Q: Why is the temperature colder at certain depths?
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Temperature fluctuation is where the temperature does not stay at a constant rate. It will keep getting colder or warmer and not cease to a certain degree.

When an ocean's depth increases does the temperature increase or decrease?

In general, the answer is the water gets colder as you go deeper. But, there are exceptions. For example, at the Galapagos Rift there are intensely hot (hundreds of degrees) springs at depths of almost two miles.

How does temperature work with water?

Hotter the temperature the hotter the water or the colder the temperature the colder the water gets

Why does the ocean have different temperatures?

different depths of the ocean have different temperatures. For example: the temperature in the deeper part of the ocean would be colder because the sun cannot easily reach it. The temperature near the surface of the ocean would be warmer because the sun can easily reach it.

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The higher the number, the colder it becomes .

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In colder temperature

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it gets colder

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No, its colder.

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When the temperature is 0 degrees Fahrenheit is it warmer or colder that the freezing temperature of water?

The freezing temperature of water is 0 degrees celsius or 32 degrees fahrenheit so it is colder than the freezing temperature of water.

A liquid heated beyond a certain temperature becomes a?

Generally a solid. Although one also needs to take pressure in consideration to be exact.