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Q: Why is the term holocaust used to describe the loss of human life in World War 2?
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What was the destruction of human life carried out by the Nazi's is known as?

the holocaust

What is the modern meaning for the word Holocaust?

Holocaust is an act of mass destruction of human life. An example of a holocaust is the mass murder of Jews under Hitlers Nazi regime.

Is the holocaust of animals worse than Dahak or Hitler's holocaust?

NEVER ! Human life is ALWAYS more valuable than animal life, and I love my animals very much.

How did the holocaust effect the human rights?

The Holocaust is an example of extreme violation of human rights. Human rights laws strive to ensure that such a situation will never occur again.

How are Anne Frank and Life is Beautiful related?

They are both Holocaust stories that have impacted the world.

What did the Holocaust change in your life today?

nothing, my life started after the Holocaust was over.

How would you describe the survival needs for human life?

Air, water and food .

Describe regions in the united statws that are based on human activity?

ithink it means the why in life

Did marxists die in the Holocaust too?

Yes. Hitler regarded ridding the world of Communism as his mission in life.

What did Eli weisel do?

Elie Wiesel was a Holocaust survivor, writer, and Nobel laureate known for his memoir "Night," which recounts his experiences in Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps during World War II. He dedicated his life to raising awareness about the Holocaust and advocating for human rights and peace.

What was at stake in the holocaust?


Did the survivors have a good life before the holocaust?

For most of them quality of life was below average, but compared to life during the Holocaust anything was good.