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Humans and primates can move their thumbs in such a manner that they face opposite the rest of the fingers, thus "able to be opposed". Opposable thumbs are unique in that they allow for easy grasping of items with one hand, as well as for more fine-tune hand movements.

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Q: Why is the thumb said to be opposable?
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Does a tiger have opposable thumbs?

No, They Don't have an opposable thumb But a chimpanzee does!

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Siamang opposable thumb and big toe?

Yes the Siamang monkey has opposable thumbs, and opposable big toes.

How far does the monkey's opposable thumb move?

as far as ours can go

Based on your knowledge of human evolution how might opposable toes have been useful to humans ancestors?

Modern humans have opposable thumbs but not opposable toes.An opposable thumb means that you can touch the tips of your other fingers with the tip of your thumb, but not with any of the other fingers. This allows you to hold and manipulate objects with more precision.An opposable big toe is similarly useful for gripping objects with the feet. This would be particularly useful for an animal which climbed trees, as our ancestors did.See

Which species has the most effective opposable thumb?

Humans (if being considered) do have the the most effective opposable thumbs. Next in line would be our close relative the chimpanzees

What are functions of opposable thumbs?

Basically, opposable thumbs are important to help us, primates, and panda bears, help grip things better, pick things up, and eat with one hand.We need opposable thumbs to do almost everything!

Which joint is unique to the hand and how does the joint move the hand?

Having an opposable thumb is unique.

Why is your thumb called opposable?

The thumb on the human hand has only two phalanges, or joints, whereas human fingers each have 3 phalanges. This give the thumb greater movement and enables it to do things the fingers can't do. Collectively the fingers and thumbs are known as digits. The thumb is said to be opposable to the fingers. By definition, the thumb is both a finger and not a finger. "Finger" can mean any of the four digits besides the thumb OR any digit including the thumb. It is up to the person to decide whether or not the thumb is considered a finger.

Do mice have opposable thumbs?

No, mice do not have opposable thumbs. They have paws with a pollex, which is the innermost digit of the forelimb.

Does an Australopithecus Afarensis have on opposable thumb?

According to anthropology, Australopithecus Afarensis did have opposable thumbs. This construct, it is thought, gave it the ability to form tools and hunt for food more efficiently.

What are some animals without opposable thumbs?

Species that have opposable thumbs are humans, apes, such as chimpanzees and gibbons, most Old World monkeys such as the vervet monkeys and the mandrill, some New World monkeys such the common woolly monkeys and the northern night monkey,and lower primates such as the slender lorises and spectacle tarsiers. The opposum, koala, and lemur have opposable thumbs, and the Great Panda has a semi opposable thumb. In the non mamml area, one species of frog has an opposable thumb, and one of the bird-like dinosaurs had an opposable thumb.