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"Sound waves" are basically pressure waves - areas of higher and lower pressure, that propagate as a wave. You must have SOME means to create those pressure changes, and to do so quickly.

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Q: Why is the vibration of an object necessary for a sound wave to form?
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Why is a vibration of an object necessary for a sound wave to form?

sound waves cause the object to vibrate not vise versa

Why is a vibration necessary for a sound wave to form?

because its a mechanical wave, it requires an action to be formed and that produces energy ( as a sound)

What is a form of sound?

Sound is a form of vibration.

How does the sound energy form?

sound is form by back and forth called VIBRATION...

How does sounds form?

sound form by it's vibration and it goes up and down

What is the definintion of sound energy?

it is the form of energy with the vibration of matter.

Why do you think sound is considered to be a type of kinetic energy?

Sound is considered to be a type of kinetic energy because it is a form of energy that is produced by the movement of objects or particles. Kinetic energy is any energy that is in motion and sound is produced by the vibrational motion of particles. The energy of sound is created by the movement of air particles which are set in motion by a vibrating object. This vibration produces sound waves which travel through the air until they reach our ears. Sound is an example of kinetic energy because it requires motion to be produced. This motion is created by the vibration of an object which causes molecules in the air to vibrate or oscillate. This vibration is then picked up by our ears and interpreted as sound. The energy of the sound is a result of this vibration and is therefore considered a form of kinetic energy. Sound is also considered a type of kinetic energy because it carries energy with it as it moves through space. This energy is in the form of sound waves which are created by the vibration of objects and particles. As the sound waves move they carry energy with them which can be converted into other forms of energy. This is why sound is considered to be a form of kinetic energy.

Can you show a mantra?

Yes, a Yantra is a specific form of a mantra or sound vibration.

What is an echo also why is it weaker than the original sound?

Sound is a vibration of molecules that can travel through the air. It bounces off solid objects, so that the sound returns to its source in the form of an echo. The echo is weaker than the original sound because the vibration travels in many directions, not just to the object that it bounces off of, so energy is lost that way, and more energy is lost by means of other inefficiencies in the system; even at the moment of reflection, some energy is absorbed into the same object which reflects the sound.

Why is sound consider as mechanical form of energy?

Because sound is the movement/vibration of air, which is mechanical motion, involving mechanical energy.

How does the vibration of a drum head cause a sound wave to form?

By passing the vibrations directly to the air in contact with its surface.

Does light energy produce vibration?

yes, light travels through vibrations. light vibrations are in the form of pure energy. it travels in the form of pure electro-magnetic radiation. therefore light can travel in both withought vibration and with vibration.