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There is also a cell wall surrounding the cell membrane in a plant cell. There is more protection, its because plants can't move and can't protect themselves so they are vulnerable and therefore need more protection!

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12y ago
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12y ago

Vacuoles have a much more important function in plant cells than in animal cells.

In a plant, the vacuole is very important for the storageof nutrients, and to maintain turgor pressure against the cell wall - which is vital to maintain the shape of the cell, and to allow for elongation.

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12y ago

Plant cells have a large vacuole due to the amount of water the cell must hold to Why_is_the_vacuole_in_a_animal_cell_smaller_than_the_vacuole_in_the_plant_cellits shape. The water in the vacuole creates something called turgor pressure. When the vacuole has lots of water, the turgor is high and pushes against the cell wall so the cell is rigid. When vacuole has little water, the turgor is low so the cell is flaccid.

Animal cells don't have to worry so much since our cells are already in an aqueous Why_is_the_vacuole_in_a_animal_cell_smaller_than_the_vacuole_in_the_plant_celland get water in lots of other ways.

And i bet that is way better that that other one

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12y ago

Bcause of the vacuole. Plants absorb a lot of water which makes the cell expand.

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11y ago

plant cells have larger vacuoles as they have more substances in solution form to store in a plant cell.

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14y ago

plant cells have a large vaculole.....

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13y ago

because of its large vacuole

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Q: Why is the volume enclosed by the plasma membrane of plant cells much larger than the corresponding volume in animal cells?
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