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Q: Why is the WBC specialized for engulfing harmful bacteria?
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Is it harmful to health if the WBC increases in body by 12400?

Yes, it is harmful.

How do your white blood cells disarm foreign bacteria?

The WBC's (White Blood Cells) enter the area with the bacteria. When the reach, they give off antibodies, which then go and attach to the bacteria. This stops the bacteria. Then the macrophages, or the largest WBC's devour the bacteria along with the antibodies. A chemical in the macrophage causes the bacteria to dissolve.

What does a antitoxin fight against?

An antitoxin is a cell on the surface of the white blood cell which latches on the toxin of a bacteria and destroys it. if your WBC (white blood cell) did recognise the same toxin on the bacteria the antitoxin from the WBC would be made a lot efficiently and rsapidly to destroy the toxin.

Do certain wbc take in bacterial cells?

Phagocytes are white blood cells that can take in, or "swallow," bacteria.

What fights bacteria that enters the body?

White Blood Cells (WBC) ;D

What are the Normal and abnormal values in fecalysis and its interpretation?

RBC: 1-3 HPF WBC: 6-8 HPF Bacteria: Abundant

What does LG mean on a urinalysis blood result?

LG means a large amount. Some substances measured in the urine include blood, white blood cells (WBC fight bacteria), or bacteria.

What are white blood cells that can engulf pathogens called?

once the White blood cell (WBC) recognizes a pathogen it will use its plasma membrane to engulf the pathogen (endocytosis). the plasma membrane wraps itself around the pathogen bringing it in to the cytoplasm of the cell. it then will break off once the pathogen is inside enough. the pathogen with its surrounding plasma membrane forms an vesicle inside the larger macrophage (WBC). the vesicle and its contents are digested by the cell through the use of digestive enzymes and lysosomes.

The capsule can be useful in medicine because?

If the capsule of the bacteria is very hard, none of the medicine given will have any affect on the bacteria. Capsules essentially "hide" the bacteria. They protect it from phagocytosis so that the WBC's can't attack it.

What medical term specialized white blood cells that produce antibodies coded to specific antigens?

all wbc produce antibodies to attach the the pathogens antigens.

Name three types of white blood cells?

There are five types of white blood cells (Leukocytes) Such as: 1. Neutrophils ( 54-62% of white blood cells) This WBC type is the first to arrive on site of an infection to ingest bacteria, virus particles, and fungi. 2. Eosinophils (about 3% of WBC) They keep control of allergy reactions and fight against parasitic worm infestations. 3. Basophils (less than 1% of WBC) They promote blood flow and inflammation by releasing their granules that consist of histamine/ heparin into the damanged tissue. 4. Monocytes ( 2-8% of WBC) Some of them develope into macrophages that phagocytose bacteria and debris in the tissue. 5. Lymphocytes (25-33% of the WBC) They are our important immunity cells

what does wbc of 20.3 indicate?

is wbc of 20.3 high