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Q: Why is the word minority found to be offensive to some people?
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good: minority found gold. bad: majority died while trying to get there and some people just didn't find gold

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In some instances the minority groups start adopting the ways of the larger group of people. However, there are certain instances that a minority group will hold on to their culture.

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It is the representation of change and that scares people.

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A group of people who are different in some characteristic from the group with the most power and wealth in religon?

I think it could be "minority"


It is shown live in some European countries, but it is only of interest to a minority of people.

In the bible is there anything about landfill or rubbish?

that may be offensive to some people

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do Some states provide for the termination of minority status on marriage.

Is saying I'm starving offensive?

Not really..... Some people may take it offensive cuz most likely when you use it your using it as a figure of speech, so it might be offensive cuz there really are people who are starving and literally you are NOT.

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The skull emote is no longer available as some players found it offensive

You like to be naked is that normal?

Some people prefer to be naked, they are called nudists. While you might be in a minority, it is certainly not abnormal.

How can nudist pics be offensive to people?

Nudist pictures may be offensive to people in variety of ways. First, some people have different moral or religious beliefs and find nudity offensive in any form. Secondly, some nudist pictures may be inappropriate in terms of activities portrayed. Lastly, some people may just take pictures claiming to be nudists in an attempt to entice adult activities.