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Q: Why is there a crack on your tongue?
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Why do they ask to see the bottom of a crack users tongue?

To see if you are hiding any packages or rocks of crack under your tongue.

Is cracking your tongue heathly?

You do not have joints in your tongue so you cannot crack or pop it

What is the diagnosis of a crack in the tongue?

you have to cut it off sorry.

What do you do when your tooth cracked in the back and it cuts in to your tongue?

You can go to the dentist and have them fill in the crack or file the crack down.

What is cheilosis?

crack at the mouth tongue and lips due to the deficiency of vitamin B.

What is causes cheilosis?

crack at the mouth tongue and lips due to the deficiency of vitamin B.

What does the crack in the middle of your tongue mean?

it usually doesn't mean anything is the opposite side from your bottom and that has a crack so I guess they both have something to do with it?It's something that helps you to shape out your words and sounds and helps you eat so apperently there is no actual meaning to it... - Anonymous

Can you get tongue cramp?

No you can't crack your tongue. Your tongue is a muscle and does not have any bones inside it. Since it's a muscle, it's possible that you could strain or injure it. You could also pull or tear the structures that attatch your tongue to the floor of your mouth.

Are there any complications with tongue rings?

There are multiple complications that can occur from tongue rings. Infection is a common complication. Tongue rings can also crack or chip your teeth and increase the risk of damage to teeth enamel.

How does geographic tongue looks like?

Geographic tongue can look different a fairly mild case, the tongue would have a slight loss of taste buds alongs the edges of the tongue. In a mre typical case, there would be what looks like bald patches on the tongue with white surrounding the patch, being clearly visible. A more severe case may develope a crack, some being 1/4 of a n inch deep.

How do you crack gum?

well its simple 1. blow a bubble that is small enough to fit back in your mouth 2. then put it back in your mouth ( make sure you still have a bubble) 3. finally just push your tongue to the roof of your mouth and your bubble will crack

Do tongue rings wear enamel off teeth?

Yes they r because sometime when you're sleeping the ring taps the teeth to where you get cracks on them. And by the way, you need to treat your tongue or it will swole up like a balloon.