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Q: Why is there a difference in mass when you mix equal amounts of baking soda and vinegar and end results is less mass?
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In baking are the effects of white vinegar and cider vinegar the same?

They will act the same in the form of baking, but will produce very different results (taste, color, ect.).

What produces more carbon dioxide when mixed with vinegar baking soda or baking powder?

If one is working with equal amounts, baking soda might produce more carbon dioxide when mixed with vinegar, because baking powder is already combined with an acidic ingredient.

What does results mean on a science fair project?

Well it means when your all finished what happened. For example i did why baking soda and vinegar reacted, and did everything but results , i said well the baking soda reacted to the vinegar and then made bubbles and fizzed out of the cup sincerely, cheyann

Is baking powder and vinegar is reversible or irrversible?

The chemical reaction that results when baking power is combined with vinegar is irreversible. Once combined, the two elements cannot be separated, and the action of acid on base cannot be reversed.

What are the optimum amounts of baking soda and vinegar for an explosion in a 9 ounce water bottle?

This experiment may be very dangerous.

When you add baking soda to vinegar what colour results?

well fizz results! xD good question though. brown maybe? clear? those are my guesses.

How come if less vinegar and baking soda is used the container it is in launches higher?

I tried different amounts of baking soda and vinegar, and the 1 teaspoon of baking soda and the 1 teaspoon of vinegar which were the minimum amounts used in my experiment worked the best. I do not know the answer to your question, but I have the exact same question and I want to know the answer, too. May somebody please help me in this question. I researched about it, but I could not find any good or reasonable answer. Please help!!! Thank you very much!

What is stronger vinegar or baking powder?

baking soda is a base while vinegar is an acid

How do you make a volcano with vinegar?

baking soda and vinegar put the baking soda in first

Do baking soda vinegar bombs work?

"Do baking soda vinegar bombs work?"

Chemical Reaction of Vinegar and Baking Soda?

Baking Soda and Vinegar combinedmake a fizzing reaction when the Acetic acid in the vinegar reacts with Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda).

What has more acid vinegar or baking soda?
