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Q: Why is there a high pitched noise when water is turned on?
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Why does your laptop make a high pitched noise when turned on that seems to be coming from the middle of it?

Its the fan and and all the parts in the computer that starting up.

What is a high pitched voice?

high pitched voice is when your voice goes high and the noise is like kind of squashed kind of noise and not really loud

What are things that scare rodents?

High pitched noise and cats.

What is squeaking?

Short high pitched noise such as made by a rat.

How low or high is the french horn does it sound?

It's a sort-of high pitched noise.

Do noise kill fish?

it could, i guess. maybe if it was really high pitched and the noise broke its tank/bowl.

Why is my power steering making noise?

if the noise is a high pitched squealing noise, the belt is slipping....if the noise is a whine or growling noise, the pump is low on fluid or the pump is bad

How do dogs hear high pitched noises?

Yes if a dog hears a high pitched noise it will go crazy try this out with a whistle and it is because of the frequency.

What is a yelp?

A yelp is a high-pitched, abrupt noise, such as one let out by a puppy.

How is helium hurtful?

no but, it causes your voice box to get a high pitched noise when you talk

High pitched noise Toyota 4 runner?

High pitched noise from a Toyota 4 Runner can be due to loose bearing. To check on this, touch each rim. One bearing will noticeably be hotter than the others.

Can music become noise sometimes?

any unpleasant souond is noise either it is music or anyothrthing else. noise r always high pitched