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Because people not only consider your words, but also your tone of voice. This may not necessarily be a conscious decision, but in listening to someone speak, it's almost impossible not to notice the manner of speaking, which includes grammar and tone of voice.

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6mo ago

Intonation plays a vital role in communication as it adds meaning, emphasis, and emotion to our words. It helps convey intentions, attitudes, and nuances that are not conveyed by just the words themselves. Without considering intonation, the intended message may be misunderstood or misinterpreted, leading to ineffective communication.

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Q: Why is there a need to consider intonation in speech?
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Does shift in intonation cause change in the meaning of a sentence?

yes.because if a sentense have an intonation there speech is maybe rising or falling intonation. thank you may answer can any peole?

What is the purpose of intonation?

intonation is very important in english subject because we know how to pronounce or speech a good word.

What is intonation pattern?

Intonation pattern is the raising and lowering of voice as the person speaks. This pattern is mainly followed when delivering a speech.

What are prosodic features?

Prosody refers to the rhythm, stress, and intonation of speech, so the vocal aspects of speech that contribute to that prosody (pitch, stress, speed, volume, intonation) are prosodic features.

What is the sound of speech and includes stress and intonation?

voice, prosody, or cadence

What is pronunciaton?

It is the result of producing the sounds of speech, including articulation, stress and intonation - to a standard of correctness and acceptability

An example of what is monotony?

Monotony is a lack of variation in pitch, intonation, or inflection in speech, or tedious sameness or repetitiousness.

How do stress intonation juncture or pause affect the delivery of a speech?

Stress can emphasize important words or phrases, making them stand out and reinforcing the speaker's message. Intonation can convey emotions and attitudes, influencing how the audience interprets the speech. Juncture and pauses can help break up the speech, clarify ideas, and give the audience time to process information.

What are the different intonation patterns?

The four intonation patterns are falling intonation, rising intonation and fall-rise intonation.

What are the two types of intonation?

The answer is rising intonation and falling intonation

Why we need intonation?

I don't know why the examiners need you to know about it in drama they just do!

How do you write a sentence using the word intonation?

How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Intonation, intonation, intonation.