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This space is the reserve air that a developing chick will use just before hatching. As the chick peeps the inner membrane of the shell on day 21, that small amount of air will sustain it until it can open a hole in the outer membrane and hard shell.

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Q: Why is there a space at the end of a chicken's egg?
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How is a chickens egg color determined?

The color of a chickens egg IS by the color of the layings chickens ears.

Are the eggs you eat from chickens or eggs?

They are from CHICKENS OR HENS because an egg can not produce another egg. (They are hens not chickens.)

Can you feel the egg in the chickens stomach?

No You can however palpitate an egg once it reaches the end of the oviduct and positions itself at the vent. We sometimes must do this when a hen gets "egg bound".

What do chickens give?

The chickens give us egg ..

Where were chickens originated from?

the egg

What are chickens for?

Chickens are used for egg production and for meat. Some chickens are also used as pets.

What do chickens give us?

hen gives us egg

What is the strongest part of a hen's eggshell?

The design of the egg shell makes it very strong from tip to tip. You will notice a small end and a large end on a chickens egg. If you try to squeeze the egg from end to end it takes a lot of force to break it but if you use just a little pressure on the sides at the center it breaks easily.

Why do some eggs laid by chickens end up in the supermarket and others produce chickens?

The eggs we eat, produced by the female hen, are infertile as the hen hasn't mated with the rooster. This means the egg will not hatch. If the hen had mated, the egg would be fertile, and have produced a embyro

How do chickens break the egg?

With their beak.

How do you get egg?

from either chickens.....or roosters

Do chickens eat egg shell?
