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Q: Why is there always aloss of chemical energy with each step in a food chain?
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What is the energy chain for eating a banana?

A type of chemical energy.

In any food chain the total amount of energy always?

The energy flux of a food chain goes from producer to decomposer. The energy flux along the food chain is always unilateral.

How energy lost in an ecosystem?

Heat energy

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food chain

Why are consumers at the bottom of the food chain?

Producers are placed at the bottom of the food chain because the do not eat other living organisms and instead get their energy though the sun.

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What form of energy is passed along from organism to organism in a food chain?


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What transformation does grass go through in a food chain?

It goes from light energy from the sun to chemical energy to chemical, mechanical, and heat energy and the chemical energy can go to mechanical and heat energy. Then the remaining chemical energy goes to chemical, heat, and mechanical energy again and it keeps on repeating.

What form of energy is represented by a bicycle chain?

The chain itself only has chemical energy equal its weight and material. Then it'll have a bit of potential energy depending on where it's kept. If it's turning it'll have a bit of kinetic energy as well.

What are 2-3 differences between the electron transport chain in the mitochondria compared to the chloroplast?

Chloroplast converts light energy into chemical energy, whereas mitochondria converts chemical energy into a different chemical energy. Chloroplast is present in plants and mitochondria is present in all cells

What is a sun in the food chain?
