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Q: Why is there less energy available you go up energy pyramid?
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How does the amount of energy available at one level of an energy pyramid compared to the next level up?

The most energy is available at the producer level of the pyramid . As you move up the pyramid, each level has less energy available than the level below.

Does the amount of energy available to each organism in a food chain depends on its position on an energy pyramid?

It's yes. Each level in the pyramid has only ten percent of the level beneath it, so there is less energy transfer as you go up the pyramid. So if at the base, the available energy is 10000 the next step up would have an available energy of 1000, and the next step 100 etc.

What shows how much energy and food is available in each level of an ecosystem?

Energy pyramid Energy pyramid.

Why is an energy pyramid shaped as a pyramid?

This is because the farther up you go in the energy pyramid the energy decreases.

8 Why is there less energy available at the top of an energy pyramid?

yes because energy pyramid is made up of three things. Those things are producers, herbivores, carnivores. It is at the top of the pyramid because the pyramid has an order to follow. It looks something like this: carnivore herbivore producer It can't go any other way.

Why are there fewer organisms at the top of the pyramid than at the bottom?

I am in sixth grade and we are learning about this in science class right now. It's smaller at the top of the pyramid because of the populations of species; on the bottom of the pyramid, you've got abiotic elements like soil, air, water and sunlight. Since this is where the energy starts, it is at its most. Then the, let's say, grass, takes its energy (grass is a producer). Then a herbivore will eat the grass, and it will have less energy. Then carnivores will eat that herbivore, and when that carnivore dies, the scavengers will eat it's remains, which don't have much energy now. The decomposers will eat whatever the scavengers didn't and will turn it to soil. Now it is abiotic and its energy is restored. So, since there is less and less energy as you go up the pyramid, There is less and less organisms. I hope this makes sense!

What is the percentices of the energy pyramid?

There are generally about 10% as many organisms when you go up one step on the energy pyramid.

What does an energy pyramid show us about energy in a food chain?

The difference is that a food chain is one path of energy, and a food web is overlapping food chains. As for an energy pyramid it show that there is less and less food and energy available as you go from the base to the top of the pyramid

Complete the energy pyramid?

go,glow, and grow

On the energy pyramid what level does the heterotroph go on to?

They are the consumers.

What does an energy pyramid represents Which principle of ecology?

An energy pyramid is the graphical representation of the trophic levels (nutritional) by which the incoming solar energy is transferred into an ecosystem. The source of energy for living beings on Earth is the Sun.

How much energy is left when you go up a level in the energy pyramid?

10% is left