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With force over area you can tell that with the same area the amount of molecules in a given space makes a certain force lets say 2W/1m^3, when more molecules are introduced the force exerted increases because there is more collisions happening per nanosecond so with the introduction of more molecules our original problem is now 3W/1m^3 (not done to scale, just a quick explanation).

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Q: Why is there more pressure where there are more molecules explain it with force over area pressure formula?
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The formula for pressure is: pressure= force divided by area The unit for pressure is: pascals (p) Enjoy:)

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You might use the definition of pressure: pressure = force / area.

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The measure of the force with which air molecules push on a surface is air pressure. An instrument that is used to measure air pressure is a barometer.

How are mass pressure related?

Pressure = force / area. If the force is the result of the weight of a specific object, you can additionally use the formula: force = mass x gravity, i.e., you can combine this with the previous formula.