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That's a little ambiguous, but I think I know what you mean. You don't percieve an actual blind spot because the information you get from both eyes overlap, and your brain is able to form a complete picture from the information gathered because your brain is just sheer awesome!

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Q: Why is there no blind spot where the retina connects to the optic nerve?
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What part of brain connects brain and eyes?

Optic nerve. Well, it connects the retina to the brain. The muscles of the eye also connect to the brain, but not through the optic nerve.

The axons of the retina culminate in what nerve?

the axons of the retina culminate in the optic nerve which forms a blind spot on the retina

What is the Light sensitive membrane that connects the optic nerve to the brain?


What is the function of the optic disk in the eye?

Optic disc:The optic disc is also called the blind spot. There are no receptors in this part of the retina. This is where all of the axons of the ganglion cells(last neurons before optic nerve) exit the retina to form the optic nerve.

In the Retina what physical structure results in a blind spot?

optic nerve

Where does the optic nerve leave the eye?

The optic nerve exits the retina at the optic disc, otherwise known as the "blind spot".

What is the junction of the retina and optic nerve?

The junction between the retina and the optic nerve is the optic disc.

How does the optic nerve work?

The optic nerve is a group of nerve fibers that function to provide vision. The optical never works by transferring electrical impulses to the brain from a part of the eyes known as the retina.

If you have a blind spot in your eye because your optic nerve has to connect to your brain somewhere Where?


Is the retina at the back of the eye?

outer surface of retina is attached to the choroid..inner surface is in contact with the hyaloid is continuous posteriorly with the optic nerve..

What is the blind spot of the retina?

That is the place on the retina where the optic nerve exits the eye; there are no light receptors there. In your left eye it is left of the center of the field of vision, and in the right eye it is right of the center of the field of vision. So physically, they are both inside of center. It is fun to demonstrate the blind spots and it is easily done.

Area of the retina that lacks rods and cones?

The retina is filled with rods and cones- except for one spot. This place that lack rods and cones is called the blind spot, which can be found by covering up one eye and looking at something with the other. Out of the corner of your uncovered eye, you will will see something disappear. We don't realize it on a daily basis because our brain fills in the empty spot. The blind spot is located near the optic nerve and is about 2mm wide.