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firstly, many countries have free religion and belief policies. Second, if you were a christian stepping into a satanist meeting, wouldn't you just want to be no part of it and not to get their thoughts into your mind? and last, we are taught by god to love our enemies and help them be saved... if we criticized them they would get more mad at christians.
But in general there is no criticism of it because it simply does not exist.
Outside of a handful of silly teenagers and sad folks who never grew up, there is no organized worship of Satan.
All stories of Satanism are little more than fabrications.
The FBI investigated satanism thoroughly in the late 1980s, during the great satanist witchhunt in which lots of false accusations were made of satanic cults.
The FBI report concluded that there was zero evidence of any actual practicing satanic cults.
They found some isolated and pathetic oddballs, here and there, who had fascinations with the topic... but no groups, not covens, no meetings and no ceremonies.
The idea of satanism as a threat is a delusional belief unsupported by fact.

To offer a second opinion, I truly believe in God's purity and Satan's corruption, but I believe that the first user's response was at least in some areas invalid. There has been instances of manufacturing child pornography, ritualistic animal sacrifice, coprophagia, urophagia and infanticide. I mean, even recently, in Russia, 2008, eight suspected Satanists killed and ate four fellow cult members in ghastly rites in Russia, police say (see: for source). I understand that there are some seriously ill people within this society, but I can no longer bear to tolerate these false allegations that, no, these people are doing nothing wrong, and never will. If one studies the Satanic bible, one may be surprised at the rites and laws the sect follows. I beg you, you must consider that even if you are inclined to join such a Satanic group, the consequences for your own mental health (and physical well-being, from the cited news article). It does exist, my friend. Simply search: "Satanism" or "Church of Satan". Even those fools who edit such articles on Wikipedia are no doubt affiliated with it. (See:; Note that this "High Priest" does indeed confess to the true nature of "some" child abuse cases, but as not all the group members engaged in it, it appeared to be insignificant to him.) We really should do something about this, and something soon. I, too, have read that The Bible asks us all to treat our enemies with honor and fairness, but surely the Creator did not intend for us to calmly sit on the sidelines and watch as this growing issue continues? Indeed, I see these "Satanists" as not enemies, but rather seriously ill people, so ill that they themselves could become a disease to this society and this planet, a disease that would cause far more damage if not cured soon. Remember this: Just because there are people who worship the devil, it does not mean it is morally or spiritually right. I would not join this cult even if all here decide to defect to them. Please, I beg you, remember this: Light shall always prevail over Darkness, in the end, but only if we allow it to do so. May God bless you all.

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Q: Why is there no criticism of satanism?
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Satan Wants You by Anthony Lyons, or his other works on Satanism. He covers the history of Devil Worshiping, Satanism, and other things related.

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no satanism is a religion much like Christianity but unlike most religions there has been evidence of satanism as far back as 4000 bc!! some satanist's insist there is no god and that there is only Satan but that he is not evil. But back to your question yes satanism is a subculture :)

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