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This is a difficult question to answer, like many things in science. We know they exist, but we wonder why.

Gravity exists, we roughly know how it works and its effects, why it exists? It just does. It happened to be a part of the laws of physics put into motion once the universe formed.

Radiation as it is commonly thought of, for example alpha radiation, is given off by the decay of certain elements. Radon gas is radioactive, thus it decays slowly to a more stable state and in doing so it releases charged particles - alpha.

We know things happen, we know how they happen and can predict when.

What we really will never know (probably) is why.

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Because the stars created them.

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Q: Why is there radiation in galaxies?
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Stars, quasars, clusters, nebulae, galaxies, superclusters, the CMBR (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation).

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Since all such emissions are "black body radiation" (or pretty close), the correct answer is "light". All wavelengths... from the longest radio waves, to very energetic gamma radiation.

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