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because it never rains

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Q: Why is there so little under growth in the rain forest?
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Related questions

How good is rain forest for plant growth?

the rain forest is amazing for plant growth because plant can easily grow their due to excellent weather

Why do rain forest lack vegetation?

vegetation in tropical rain forests is dominated by tall trees, and little undergrowth because the tall trees block the sunlight and rain from reaching the forest floor, causing growth of other, lower vegetation to be prohibited.

Why are there so little rain forest?

because we all polluted the forest.

What kind of rain forest gets very little rain?


What is the layer under the tops of trees in rain forest?

The subterranean layer is the layer under ground :)

What is the middle of the rainforest called?

The middle of the rain forest is typically called the under story. The top of the rain forest or the beginning of the rain forest is typically called the emergent layer.

What climate is most favoable for the cocoa plants growth?

evergreen rain forest

How much sun does a rain forest have?

very little

What level is the under story of the rain forest?

information about the understory

What is A forest or jungle near the equator that is characterized by large amounts of rain and little variation in temperature and that contains the greatest known diversity of organisms?

Such a forest is called a Tropical Rain Forest

What part of the rain forest does a salamander live?

Under Logs, Under Rocks In a Moist Area, Near a Stream or River, Lakes or Canals. On the Ground of the Rain Forest (Not in the Trees.) The big part

Where does a chameleon lives?

A chameleon lives in rain forests . They live in little holes in the trees of the rain forest .