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To prevent breakage and to cushion the chips inside during storage, transportation,etc... You are paying for the exact weight of the chips (amount located on the bottom right usually) so you are not getting ripped, especially since air doesn't weigh that much last time i checked.

So in the end, it is a necessary evil that will continue to frustrate many snack-happy people who will never seem to be satisfied with the "wasted space" inside their bags

Edit: I left the previous answer because it is partially correct. HOWEVER, the most important reason is the "air" that is in a bag of potato chips is actually pure nitrogen gas. The nitrogen prevents the chips from rotting. Without it, cushioning wouldn't even be necessary because the chips would be spoiled before you bought them anyway.

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Q: Why is there so much air in potato chip bags?
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Why do chip bags deflate?

Potato chips are purposely packaged on the puffy side so that the air can act as a cushion. If the bag is taken to higher altitudes, it will expand even more due to reduced air pressure.

What gases are used in crisp packages?

Chip bags are puffed full of extra air.

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If air gets into a bag of chips, the chips will become stale. The chip clip was invented to keep bags of chips sealed.

Why do potato chip bags expand while flying on an airplane?

As you get further from sea level, the air gets thinner; when you fly in a plane they keep the air inside thicker than the air outside so you can breathe easily, but it's still thinner than on the ground. A chip bag is sealed on the ground, so when it gets up to where the air is thin the pressure inside is still the same as it was down near sea level; that means the chip bag swells as pressure inside stays the same but pressure outside drops.

Can you personify an empty potato chip bag in one sentence?

air and some nitrogen

What is the journey from the air to a chip on a plate of a carbon?

Carbon exists in the air primarily in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2). It is absorbed into plant leaves and used as an ingredient for the synthesis of sugar by means of photosynthesis. If that plant leaf happens to be part of a potato plant, then the sugar may make its way to the root, where it can be transformed into a carbohydrate, and then when farmers dig up the potato, they sell it to a chip factory where it becomes part of a chip which gets sold to a consumer who puts it on a plate, voila.

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You can put Air in Air Shocks Not Air Bags

How safe are seat belts and air bags?

Much better than without them.

Can you use air bags to raise sunken treasure?

Air bags designed for doing that, not auto air bags. Question was in auto repair.

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