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Q: Why is timbuktu no longer in existence?
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What is the scientific term for no longer in existence?

Extinct is the scientific term meaning no longer in existence.

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its no longer a stop on trade route linking Europe with Timbuktu

When was the Timbuktu found?

I never knew it was lost !!!! Timbuktu was founded in the late 11'th century and while it is not exactly lost (as suggested by the answerer above), it is certainly no longer the center of learning and trade that it was in the 1600's. Today, with only 20,000 inhabitants and no slaves to trade, it is no longer a center of "commerce".

What is the word that means a species of animal or plants that is no longer in existence?

The word that means a species of animals or plants is not longer in existence is extinct. Animals that are no longer plentiful, might be called endangered.

What is a animal extinction mean?

No longer in existence

What is the continent of Timbuktu?

Timbuktu is not a continent; it is a city located in Mali, West Africa. Mali is a country in the continent of Africa.

What is the capital of Timbuktu?

There is no capital of Timbuktu (a city). It was the capital of the Mali Empire.

Which language has been longer in existence welsh or English?

Welsh has been in existence longer than English. Welsh is a Celtic language and has been spoken in Wales for over 1500 years, while English as we know it today began to develop around the 5th century AD with the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons in Britain.

What do they do for entertainment in timbuktu mali?

what did the timbuktu do for entertainment?

What hemisphere is timbuktu on?

Timbuktu is located in the Northern Hemisphere.

What are the people from Timbuktu called?

timbuktu-nians :)

What is the largest city in Timbuktu?

Timbuktu is itself a city and also the name of a region in Mali, a country in Africa. The city of Timbuktu is the capital of the Timbuktu region.