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why is turbidity not an accurate measurement of viable bacteria in a culture

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12y ago

Because it can't tell between living and dead bacteria, as dead cells still absorb light.

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Q: Why is turbidity not an accuarte measure of viable bacteria in a culture?
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How could you tell the bacteria were growing in the culture?

Bacteria growing on a petri dish can have more than one bacteria growing on it, but different characteristics can be seen like cilia, motility and color. To know more specifically what those other bacteria strains are, get a sample and grow it on agar by itself.

Is turbulence the same as turbidity?

No, turbulence and turbidity are not the same. Turbulence refers to the chaotic movement of fluids, such as air or water. Turbidity, on the other hand, is a measure of how cloudy or murky water is due to the presence of suspended particles like silt or organic matter.

How is turbidity of a bacterial culture measured?

The density of the bacterial cells in the liquid suspension. It's an indirect measure of number of cells. Using a spectrophotometer, light is passed through a sample and the light that passes through is measured by a receiver. The idea is that the less light passing through (because of the cloudiness) the more cells there are. The level of turbidity can be called the 'absorbance' or 'optical density (OD)', as measured by a spectrophotometer.

What is a measure of how clear water is in a water system?

This is 'turbidity' and is measured in 'ppm' when you have a water sample analysed in a lab.

What does turbidity mean?

Turbidity refers to the cloudiness or haziness of a liquid caused by suspended particles that are not easily visible to the naked eye. These particles can include sediment, microorganisms, or other substances that can affect water quality. Turbidity is often used as an indicator of water quality and can impact the effectiveness of water treatment processes.

What is the measure of turbidity?

That is cloudiness and brown colour in water. Not always harmful, but a good idea to get a sample to a lab and analyse it.

What is meant by the term turbidity?

Turbidity, also referred to as haze. Is a measure of suspended solids that are generally individually invisible to the naked eye. It can be used to describe haziness in glass or plastic and is also a key method of measuring water quality.

What unit is for cloud cover?

Cloud cover is usually given as a percentage, there is no unit of measure.

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What is a YSI used for?

A YSI is a sampling device that can be used to measure parameters in the water column such as temperature, salinity, depth, pH, oxygen, turbidity, and chlorophyll.

What machine is used to count platelets in an aggregation test?

The platelet aggregation test uses a machine called an aggregometer to measure the cloudiness (turbidity) of blood plasma

How long does it take for log phase to begin?

It will depend on the species of bacteria in question, the conditions it is under (temperature/ nutrient media/ shaking etc) and how many colonies you start with but growth can reach to log phase rate in under an hour. the easiest way is to take regular samples and measure the turbidity roughly using a spectrophotometer and graph it.